Training and Workshops

Delivering a Train the Trainer day

I have twelve years of experience in frontline sexual and domestic violence services, delivering response and prevention education workshops and training days for professionals, academics, students, children and young people.

My specialism is delivering training on understanding, responding and preventing gendered harm and violence in both workplaces and communities, aiming to activate and embed dynamic and transparent practices that are rooted in dignity, compassion and justice.

I’m always happy to help you explore how training and education might support your work.

What I can do

Design, development and delivery of bespoke training and education sessions

Scalable Train The Trainer for all packages

Delivery of workplace sexual harassment training, adaptable for your needs

Evaluation, measurement and outcomes

My approach

  • Flexible and dynamic: meet participants where they are at
  • Anticipate a range of learning styles in the room
  • Bring trauma-informed knowledge to an accessible format
  • Create a safe container for a sensitive subject area
  • Design activities based on specific learning outcomes
  • Acknowledge and name power imbalances
  • Robust approach to sexual violence myth-challenging using a method I developed and train on: The VERA Method
Training packages I’ve developed and delivered
Specialist training I’ve delivered for organisations

The Psychedelic Society

  • Developed and delivered Introduction to Trauma Informed Facilitation (3hrs)

Women’s Aid (2020-21)

  • Delivered ‘Ask Me’ Community Ambassador Training (3 week programme)
  • Developed and delivered ‘Break the Silence: Responding to Domestic Abuse in your Community‘ Series – see above for webinar sample

Rail Delivery Group (2020 – Present)

  • Developed and Delivered two of six Train the Trainer modules in collaboration with Survivors UK, Solace Women’s Aid, Suzy Lamplugh Trust and others
  • Facilitating Sensitive Topics and Managing Participant Responses (3hr)
  • Understanding and Responding to Unwanted Sexual Behaviour on the Railways for Staff (6hr)

For Rape Crisis South London (2015-2020)

  • One Day Training: What is Sexual Violence? (for Social workers and other professionals)
  • One Day Training: Sexual Violence and Young People (for Teachers and Youth Workers)
  • Understanding Consent (for University Students)
  • Respectful Relationships (Years 8-12)
  • Pornography (Years 9-12)
  • 6 Week Sex and Gender Programme for year 8-12 (Consent, Body Image, Pornography, and Empowerment)

For Good Night Out Campaign (2014-Now)

  • Understanding and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Assault in Licensed Premises
  • Responding with Compassion to disclosures of Sexual Violence
  • Introduction to Community Accountability
  • Safer Nightlife Spaces for Event Organisers
  • Safer Kink Spaces
  • Train the Trainer Day for Frontline Delivery Partner Trainers
  • Management-level Open Access Awareness training
  • Bespoke policy-generation workshops for businesses and agencies
  • Specialist training for Security Agencies on responding to sexual violence and harassment

For Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia (2017)

  • Moira Carmody’s Sex, Ethics and Young People (Trained for delivery by Professor Carmody)
  • Vicarious Trauma Stages 1-4 (Award-winning workplace programme for frontline workers)
  • Responding with Compassion (for Professionals)
  • Responding with Compassion (for Educators)
  • Understanding Domestic Violence

Case Study: #TimeTo

Client: National Advertising Benevolent Society

#Timeto is a joint project of the Advertising Association, in collaboration with NABS and WACL, is accelerating its anti-sexual harassment campaign #timeTo.

Appointed as the Lead Trainer and consultant on this project, I developed a 3 hour workshop suitable for staff teams and HR professionals across the British advertising and marketing industries. I collaborated with the #Timeto team, including workers on their specialist support helpline, to create relevant, engaging and interactive content and trained a team of freelance trainers to deliver this.

Get in touch via if you are interested in working together. Please include as much information as possible about your organisation.